Saturday, 14 March 2009

TIGA - Mind Dimension

After some literary genius compared this tune to "a rusty robot with epic bowel movements", you would have thought it would deserve a listen, and listen you shall.

The oringinal track has a simple but effective beat, and bass that you could imagine creating by using some sort of sonic cheese grater on the lowest note of an old school casio keyboard set to 'cello'.

As YouTube very kindly removed the original Mind dimension video, I've replaced it with the one solitary link I can find. Unfortunately you are going to have to remove yourself from this page in order to wobble your ear drums to the beat:

Tiga - Mind Dimension (Original Mix)

However! Don't stop reading there, FEAST YOUR EARS ON The Disco Villains Remix,

Tiga - Mind Dimension (The Disco Villains Remix)

And, check the Gingy Re-Edit, which sexually incorporates Beastie Boys' "Intergalactic"

Tiga - Mind Dimension (Gingy Re-Edit)


1 comment:

    Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
    Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013
    Fax 44-(0)208 323 8080

    Hi goldddust,

    On behalf of PIAS and Tiga, we would kindly ask you not to post copies
    of "CIAO!" on your site (or any non-preview tracks from the artist's new
    album - street date 20th April).

    We do appreciate that you are fans of / are promoting Tiga, but the
    label and artist would greatly appreciate your co-operation in removing
    your links to the pirate files in question.

    Thank you for respecting the artist's and label's wishes and, if you /
    your readers want good quality, non-pirated, preview tracks, previews of
    "Shoes", "Overtime" and "What You Need", together with a remix of "Mind
    Dimension" are available for fans and bloggers to link to / post / host
    etc at ... .. and, for further details of
    on-line promotions, videos and 2009 shows, check-out

    As you will appreciate, this post is written on a without prejudice
    basis and, as such, all of our clients' accumulated, worldwide rights
    and remedies remain strictly reserved : please excuse this required

    With Thanks & Regards,

