I dunno (ha!!) how many people have heard of DJ Dunno, but he is a bedroom DJ who likes to spank out a filthy electro mex about once a month. Recently lovethattune.com asked Dunno to wack out a mix for them. I thought i'd share this filthydirty mix that'll make the hairs around your bum hole with crusty bits of poo stuck to them, stand on end....Well...I dunno if it's that good but if you CLICK HERE you can download a massive 320kbps mix from zShare.
ALTERNATIVELY!..If you know what a computer is and you know how to control iTunes click the following link to subsribe to Mr Don't Know's podcast::
Milo x
For those of you that asked how to work .rar files (and by those of you I mean jim) if you download THIS program, you will find it comes in handy if you download stuff! (It's the Winrar trial version)
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