Thursday, 7 May 2009

One Word....Negligence

Right well to start I gotta apologise. Finals = stress and as a result I've negelected my contribution to the blogosphere (what a terrible word). Procrastination has provided me with a library of current bangers that I have failed to share....until now.

This is gonna be sweet and brief like rabbit sex:

1st = beautiful, slow and dark

2nd = Funky & Wobbly

3rd = Hard hitting, in your face tech

I Remember (Caspa mix) - Deadmau5

This S**t (2 Bit Thugs 'Late As Hell' remix) - Douster

Where Is It? - Blatta & Inesha


PDOTSDOT. Expect to see loads going on in this space in less than one week when normal service can one again be resumed, with proper posts and a relentless barrage of current top tunes....until then, back to the books.

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