I go mad for this sound at the moment, these guys are great, up there with the likes of Futurecop! and a lot of the really cool stuff coming out of France at the mo. Good Luck At The Gunfight check 'em out and you can download these demos off their page, so do it. Do It!
I dunno (ha!!) how many people have heard of DJ Dunno, but he is a bedroom DJ who likes to spank out a filthy electro mex about once a month. Recently lovethattune.com asked Dunno to wack out a mix for them. I thought i'd share this filthydirty mix that'll make the hairs around your bum hole with crusty bits of poo stuck to them, stand on end....Well...I dunno if it's that good but if you CLICK HERE you can download a massive 320kbps mix from zShare.
ALTERNATIVELY!..If you know what a computer is and you know how to control iTunes click the following link to subsribe to Mr Don't Know's podcast::
For those of you that asked how to work .rar files (and by those of you I mean jim) if you download THIS program, you will find it comes in handy if you download stuff! (It's the Winrar trial version)
Snoop Dogg laying it down over Eastern Jam!!!! I gotta say I'm loving the hiphop - dance collaborations we're getting these days. I mean, its nothing knew in the world of DnB but this is something else, you've got Whiskey Pete who's done a few bits and bobs. MC Flipside who did the edit of Deadmau5's "Hi Friend". I even read not to long ago about a collaboration between Will.I.Am and Fedde Le Grande!
I've decided to feature the Bag Raiders in this post, a somewhat undervalued couple of aussies, who, a couple of years ago remixed Sneaky Sound System's "I Love It" a song that turned my frown upside down.
ANYWAY, I thought I'd show some appreciation to the two guys who don't stop producing tunes to ease you both out of the night and into the day, and out of the day and into the night::
I'm not gonna lie DJ Barletta, one half of Mansion, isn't one I turn to on a regular basis for ear pleasure but he does have this uncanny nack of remixing a current chart banger into something.....likeable. Before it was his adorably synthy edit of "Outta My Head" by Ashlee Simpson. I like it so deal with it.
Anyway he just recently put his hand to Britney's shocker "Circus" (check it out on his music player) and has transformed it into a wobbly bassline banger!
He's also put his hand to Lady GaGa's song "Just Dance" but I fear that this is one that is beyond salvaging....
After some literary genius compared this tune to "a rusty robot with epic bowel movements", you would have thought it would deserve a listen, and listen you shall.
The oringinal track has a simple but effective beat, and bass that you could imagine creating by using some sort of sonic cheese grater on the lowest note of an old school casio keyboard set to 'cello'.
As YouTube very kindly removed the original Mind dimension video, I've replaced it with the one solitary link I can find. Unfortunately you are going to have to remove yourself from this page in order to wobble your ear drums to the beat:
Etienne De Crecy's as yet unreleased "Welcome" played live at Pukkelpop in 2008. This 'performance's' light show invokes the same feeling of awe that Daft Punk first bestowed upon us on their Alive tour in 2007. Yoda once said, "Size matters not". Well in this case I think he is completely wrong. Size is everything.
The new Prodigy material, now forgive me, is pretty awful! Don't get me wrong, Invader's Must Die is an exception to this and even some of their old stuff has its moments! However I'm not going to sit here and like a sanctimonious blogger and ramble on. What is important is that Prodigy are getting remixed to the max and these Save the originals.
PDOTSDOT: Forgive me for not being able to provide direct links to tracks, I know it would be easier but a) Prodigy have scoured the net removing Omen related anything, and b) I'm still figuring out the whole hosting malarky!
Just got in from work and went mental over Blatta & Inesha. Known about them for a bit now but there latest track "Where is it" is a beautifully in your face techy number (listen out for the sample!). Check it out on the myspace! There track "Step Off" with Congorock is equally amazing, instilling that raw sound the likes of Congorock and Bloody Beetroots do oh so well!
As this blog is not my life, I'm clearly late on posting about these guys but they are the new big name outta Italy and these guys are surely gonna turn alot more heads this year! They played some shows towards the end of last year and they'll be back in April 17th to play the Music Hall. One not to miss!
PDOTSDOT: To get an idea of how big these guys deserve to be listen to their mix "Who killed Blatta & Inesha". 01. intro - hand clapping song (b&i re-edit), cdr 02. ac slater - jack got jacked (jack beat rmx), palms out sounds 03. 3 is a crowd - take it back (heavy feet rmx), a new hope 04. wiesel & captain koma - die polypen (blatta & inesha rmx), pouder & louder 05. circuit freq - push button (stupid fresh rmx), circuit freq 06. blatta & inesha vs. eminem - without me, cdr 07. b rich - everyday hustle + jamie fanatic, dj rockid ft. dan stezo - move & mingle, we are all kidz 08. blatta & inesha switched on ramirez - el ritmo barbaro, hellyeah! 09. romanthony - never fuck (congorock rmx), ultra 10. blatta & inesha - revolution, cdr 11. drop the lime - hear me (buraka som sistema rmx), trouble & bass 12. bonde do role - divine gosa, domino 13. blatta & inesha switched on ramirez - orgasmico, hellyeah! 14. i giganti - una ragazza in due, rifi
Get in touch with whatever you feel might interest us, treats, tracks, everything and anything!
Any song posted is strictly intended for promotion. We encourage you to support the artist and purchase their music legally. If you wish to have a track removed, just shout.